Recent CASL Graduate Vunisha Lawson shares what earning her Bachelor's Degree as a non-traditional student means to her...
Year of Graduation and Major: 2017/Behavioral Sciences
What did you enjoy most about your time as a CASL student? Out of all the great memories I’ve
had as a CASL student, my most enjoyable time was during my internship. I learned so many
things that can be applied to my professional, as well as, my personal life. It was also a time for
me to get out of my comfort zone, be more vocal, and take chances.
What event/experiences made your college career unique? My college experience has been
shaped by the fact that I am a nontraditional student, and I’m the first in my immediate family to
earn a college degree. It was definitely a challenge with work, attending classes, and completing
assignments. Earning a Bachelor’s degree has been a goal of mine for quite some time now.
With a little prioritizing, and a strong desire to work in a career field where I can help people like
myself to pursue their aspirations, I was able to do just that.
What advice would you give to CASL freshman? Get involved in student organizations and other
events on campus. They are great way to meet new people, and network. Also, do as many
internships as possible. You will not only gain more experience, but you’ll also get a feel for
what career is best for you.
Why do you value a liberal arts education? The thing I value most about a liberal arts education
is that the courses are so broad. My particular degree required that I take several classes in
Psychology, Sociology, and Anthropology. I had the opportunity to tailor my courses to one
specific career. However, liberal arts programs give you an opportunity to gain a considerable
amount of knowledge and experience that can be applied to several careers.
Interview Compiled by Leah Olajide